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Methods of Using Hashtag Effectively on Twitter

Methods of Using Hashtag Effectively on Twitter

Methods of Using Hashtag Effectively on Twitter

I am aware many people can use hashtag, in fact I got to know that almost 75% of people use it on social media but it is shocking that only a few can use hashtag on the social media platforms correctly. Perhaps, you are among the latter, well nothing to worry about any longer since this post is to orientate you on the proper use of hashtag: I am excited sharing this valuable knowledge, I believe you are as well.

How best can I trace the existence of hashtag? Well, the first use of a hashtag in social media can be traced back to one man. Chris Messina is a former Google employee who worked in developer relations and as a designer on Google+.

He’s been officially credited as the first person who tweeted using a hashtag. This famous tweet happened back in 2007, so it took a while for the practice to catch on.

I believe we can also match on as well with this friendly discussion on the use of hashtag. Using a hashtag on a social post is really as simple as adding the # sign before a single word or phrase, without spaces or punctuation. You can also include numbers in your hashtags as well. Typing out a hashtag is simple enough, but there are some subtle nuances you should learn to get the most out of them.

Here are a few quick rules for how to use hashtags:

  • If you’re using hashtags for their intended purpose (categorization and discovery), don’t string too many words together with a single hashtag.
  • On most networks, if you use a hashtag on a public account, anyone who does a search for that hashtag can find your post.
  • Don’t #spam #with #hashtags. Avoid over-tagging a single post or adding them to every word.
  • Use hashtags only on Tweets relevant to the topic. Trying to get attention by using a mismatch between the content of your Tweet and hashtag use won’t do you any favors if people are annoyed.

Don’t underestimate the understanding of how to use hashtags to join  conversations, such as:

  • Events and conferences (#WorldSummit)
  • Holidays or celebrations( #ChildrensDay)
  • Popular culture topics (#GameofThrones)
  • Popular hashtags for days of the week (#TBT)
  • General interest topics (#blogging)

While jumping in on trending conversations is recommended, be careful to tread lightly—especially when using a brand account to respond to a disaster. People have mixed feelings in terms of how a company should show their support for disaster victims. As a general rule, whatever you do, don’t use these types of conversations as a blatant sales opportunity.

Be wise while joining a community of hashtag users whenever there is an important discussion on Twitter. I have seen some brands and individuals use a trending topic of war, disaster and conflict to discuss their products and services. Annoying? I find it so, not do I and you find it so, and a lot of people do. I am not saying you can’t take advantage of these topics to introduce yourself if you have a solution or intelligent way. But the truth is it is not advisable in most case because many people like me do not find such promotion attractive at that given time, so of what purpose I may ask you if it is not popular with the social media community. Wisdom is vital! I trust you agree.

What are your thoughts concerning the effective use of hashtag on Twitter?

Social Media Habits That Will Rock 2014

Social Media Habits That Will Rock 2014

The Soar Of Videos

The presence of YouTube will remain relevant in the year 2014 in the Social media world, YouTube has been consistently excellent in the past years and brands seem to be thriving well using this toolbox. It is projected that video will continue their upward ascent in the social media marketing toolbox hierarchy. Applications like Vine and Instagram are all evidence that videos will continue to be trendy and useful for brands

The Little Decline of Facebook And The Rise Of Twitter

Facebook has been the king of social media so far, at least for the past 3 years. Facebook has over a billion users, a populous country itself. This is not an axiom, as there are convincing figures to back this up. Though there is no false that many other social media platforms have emerged and are giving Facebook a healthy challenge. However, Twitter’s growth in the year 2014 looks certain as it looks like the giant social media platform is all out to overthrow Facebook. With its recent initial public offering and stock performance out of the gate, look for Twitter to continue to become truly mainstream in 2014 and become the next billion-user platform. Little wonder every company is trying to build a strong presence on Twitter.

News Feed Delivering News

Facebook recently changed its Edge Rank algorithm to benefit traditional publishers. And there will not be an inch of surprise when Twitter and Google+ follow this as well in the year 2014. Therefore increasing our feeds deliver news. LinkedIn, through its Influencers and Pulse platforms and its algorithm, has made a good news product. People now get their business news and insights through LinkedIn feed. This act is in favour of publishers, thereby, we will not be surprised when many business owners think and act like publishers in the year 2014.

The Relevance Of Content Sharing

Businesses of all shapes and sizes are now investing time and resources in creating and sharing content on the social web. The trend is changing, unlike now, businesses feel they don’t believe they need the use of social media in marketing their content. For people who feel the social web is too buzzy, should be expecting more in the year 2014. Businesses cannot afford to be left out of the social media ‘drama’. Therefore businesses need to create better, valuable and shareable content in order to be separated from the crowd in the year 2014, so to benefit the reward of social media.

Changes, them are coming

Changes, them are coming


Just as one begins to get familiar with recent changes to our favourite social media platforms, up comes another change. Are these changes really for the better or evenSocial media icons necessary or just change for the sake of it. Facebook now has the Timeline for personal and corporate pages, The new LIKE settings and much more. This must make it difficult for various social media account managers and consultants to get a handle on, as the changes are coming thick and fast.

Is this all in a bid to stay relevant or increase numbers of users, or is the competition between , Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and the rest now down to changes in user experience. Am not quite sure yet, but all these changes are making me lose interest. Just in case you don’t know what your new Facebook measurements are 851 x 315px for the cover photoprofile photos are 180 x 180px while the Apps are 111 x 74px anything else makes the graphic look smaller with a white boarder. Photos now have a maximum measurement of 404 x 404px while the highlights and Milestones graphic are 843 x 403. Some related changes and helpful hints on Facebook’s new changes

Missed the whole gNigeria events last week g|Nigeria 2012 but one can see how Google is trying its best to get a foot hold in Africa’s most populous country. With a population of close to 160 million individuals, The Nigerian market is an attractive prospect for any multinational. With companies like Samsung, Google, Nokia, IBM, Ericsson, LG all jockeying for position in this Sub-Saharan nation. Nigeria is on the vanguard of a technology explosion in Africa. With the ICT sector growing at a very fast rate and both State and Federal Government making ICT the next holy grail. There are now over 4 million Nigerian Facebook users compared to just over a 1 million in 2010.

And finally it’s with a heavy heart that I inform you (for those of you who don’t know already) that the days of the the Encyclopaedia Britannica are over. After 244 year the famous general knowledge encyclopaedia will stop going to press. The name evokes the memory of door to door salesmen for those of you old enough to remember. But with competition from Wikipedia the online free encyclopaedia sales have been in decline. Only 4000 of the 8000 copies of the 2010 edition where sold. It is a shame as it provided us with accurate facts and figure as opposed to Wikipedia which is said to content at least 4 mistakes per entry. Wel this is a classic case of video killing the radio star. Till next week.

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